Saturday, July 09, 2005

time is flying by!!!

It has been a while.. but things are going well! Duane got a new job and starts July 16th!! It is closer to home!! In fact, the same city!! My grandma is doing better everyday, she will be going to a nursing home on Tues. for 3 months. This will help her get her muscles built up.
In other news, in 6 days I will be on my way to Philly! I will be gone for 9 days.. and I will get to see the ocean for the first time in my life!! I don't travel much!! I am going to take tons of pictures. William will be staying with my mom and dad for the 7 days!! I am sure that he will be fine.. He loves going over there. No much else has happened or is happening.. so I guess this will be a short blog!! God Bless you all!! love- ME